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Leicestershire Amateur Swimming Association (LASA) is affiliated to the Swim England East Midland Region, and is the governing body for aquatic sports in Leicestershire and Rutland.


Scroll down or click the following links to discover more.


What we do


Affiliated Clubs

Swimming Committee

Emergency & Rules Committee

Finance Committee

Development Committee

Competitive Pool

What we do

​LASA exists to provide help and guidance to its affiliated clubs on matters technical, operational and organisational as well as general advise to individuals and organisations seeking information on the aquatic disciplines of swimming, artistic swimming and water polo. It also represents its clubs at the East Midlands ASA executive meeting. There are currently no clubs in the county that offer artistic swimming or water polo.


In addition, LASA organises a number of swimming events throughout the year for the benefit of  its members.

What we do

Leicestershire ASA, as a member of Swim England, is governed by its Constitution and General rules. The association is managed by volunteers forming an executive committee consisting of Executive Officers, Standing Committee Officers and delegates from each affiliated club.


The Executive committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month, except for August when a meeting is not held.


The Standing Committees are made up of the Executive Officers and at least one member of the Executive Committee and may enlist the help of others outside of the Executive Committee. The Standing Committee meetings are held on an 'as required' basis.


The Association has received the SE Governance Code accreditation which is in recognition of the high standards by which it operates giving confidence and assurance to its members. 


There is a wealth of diverse skills and experience amongst club members and always an opportunity for those skills to be utilised for the benefit of the sport and association.  

​If you are interested in being involved or want to know more please  email  to arrange a chat with the Development Manager


Use the following links for more details.

Judge and Gavel


Affiliated Clubs

The Manager and members of the Swimming Standing Committee are responsible for:


  • Management of the relationship between LASA and the swimming pathway provider (City of Leicester SC)

  • Administration of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Pathway Provider Club and all Base Clubs

  • Organisation and running of LASA Swimming Competitions namely:

    • Age Groups and County Championships​

    • Inter Clubs Relay Gala

    • Young Teams Relay Gala

  • Organisation and Running of LASA Development Camps

  • Selection of a County Team for the SE Inter Counties Competition.


Note:  The Masters Open Meet & Championship, while a LASA competition, is the responsibility of the Masters Swimming Officer and falls outside the responsibility of the Swimming Committee

Business meeting


Swimming Commitee

Emergency &  Rules Revision Committee

The Manager and members of the Emergency and Rules Revision Standing Committee are responsible for: :


  • the administration of LASA's emergency  procedures, having the power to act on behalf of the Executive as appropriate, reporting accordingly to the next available Executive meeting;

  • the administration of LASA's constitution and rules making recommendation for changes to the constitution and rules, as appropriate, to ensure the constitution and rules reflect good practice and any changes in law and regulations; changes will be recommended to the Executive and where agreed presented to the AGM or SGM, if needed, for ratification.

Emergency & Rules Committee

The Manager and members of the Finance Standing Committee are responsible for setting LASA's Annual Budget which includes:

  • Determining affiliation fees

  • Income and Expenditure for each competition organised or supported

  • Income & Expenditure for Development Camps

  • Determining any capital expenditure

  • Determining the level of financial support to the swimming pathway providing club.

  • Review of performance against budget



Finance Committee
Discussing Books

Development Committee

This group works with Club Chairs & Head Coaches of all affiliated Clubs, together with East Midlands Region, on a Development Plan for aquatic sport within Leicestershire & Rutland covering a number of key areas including:

  • Governance

  • Athlete Pathway for all aquatic disciplines

  • Workforce

  • Finance

  • other county specific needs

This plan could include:

  • Clubs working together to satisfy swimmer development

  • County specific competitions in addition to the County Age Groups & Championships

  • Coach & Teacher training

  • attracting volunteers at club level

  • Swimming Officials

  • Governance issues relating to the running of a swimming club.​

Development Committee
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